Trumpet Dynamics is a community centered around a podcast dedicated to the artistry, history, and impact of trumpet players and the trumpet world.
The podcast features interviews with professional trumpeters, educators, and enthusiasts, exploring topics like technique, musicianship, and the life experiences of those in the brass community.
The Leader
The founder and host of the Trumpet Dynamics podcast is James Newcomb.
A professional trumpeter and entrepreneur, James is passionate about exploring the art and discipline of playing the trumpet. Through the podcast, James dives into the stories and experiences of trumpeters from various backgrounds, offering insights into the trumpet world while also sharing tips and inspiration for players at all levels.
Founded in January 2016, having just finished a messy divorce from the United States Army, James was determined to make podcasting his new career.
“I knew I didn’t want to go the typical ‘gigging and teaching’ route,” recalls James. “Or worse, have a ‘real job.’ It definitely was not easy, and real sacrifices needed to be made, but eventually things began to work out and I’m proud to say podcasting is my primary business and source of income today.”
While not working on the Trumpet Dynamics podcast, James operates a successful podcast production agency called Podcast Artistry. He is also active in the Twin Cities area as a performing artist as time and schedule allows.
The Mission
“One of the first things I ask each guest of the podcast is how they got started playing trumpet,” says James. “Some say their parents encouraged them; others say a great performer visited their school and inspired them to pick up the trumpet.
“While the origin stories are always fun and unique, what I really want to understand is why they kept playing.”
Indeed, the why we do anything is vitally important.
Yet how many of us truly understand the incredible story of our instrument and the role it has played in the development of mankind?
“That statement is used in the podcast intro,” says James, “and while it’s admittedly braggadocios for the purpose of being entertaining, there’s definitely an element of truth in it.”
“Trumpet” is a mainstay in our consciousness as human beings. Trumpets were featured in the story of bringing down the walls of Jericho in the book of Joshua, written thousands of years ago.
Trumpets have been used to announce the presence of royalty for thousands of years.
Obviously these trumpets were not the brass instruments with piston or rotary valves we know today. They were instruments made of the horns of rams and kudus. Others were simple instruments crafted from silver, using the best technology available in their time.
But the word “trumpet” has been with us almost as long as human history has been recorded.
“If we as trumpeters today take some time to understand the importance of our unique instrument and its role in history, we begin to understand we’re carrying on a tradition nearly as old as humanity itself,” says James. “We’ll take what we do in our professional or amateur endeavors more seriously, and perhaps make more of an impact in our local communities with our artistry.”
A strong call to action to be sure.
Are you up to the challenge?
Then subscribe to the podcast and the weekly newsletter. Get involved, educate yourself, and go do great things!
We’re glad you’re here.